Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I've never known a "Christian" to show up authentically...

I sit and wait quietly in the church gym. This church is as big as my entire neighborhood. It reminds me of every school gym I have seen, except this gym boasts money.

I watch the other moms as they sit down, walk around, get up and hug or shake hands with other women. Busy and bustling with every air of importance.

Perfect curls and painted faces…

Thoughts of comparison creep into my mind. Urging myself to stop comparing myself to these women I become distracted as I’m comforted by my next thought

I wonder what their secrets are…

Having been near religious people my whole life, I know that the focus is The Appearance

Hell, it’s the focus for everyone these days religious or not. But I’ve noticed that the religious ones seem to have more of a certain perfection status to live up to.

Unfortunately, often this “perfection” is only for the benefit of "the church", disguised through the religious preachings

As love.

My self-deprecating thoughts are lost as the thought creeps up on me:

Everyone has secrets.

I look around, trying to imagine what everyone’s secrets are. What are they not saying? Who are they pretending to be? What are they hiding behind those perfect curls, that "humor",  the mask of makeup so perfectly applied….?

Absurdly, the speaker is speaking on Authenticity while these thoughts tumble around in my brain unending.


Showing up.

Being vulnerable.

Showing your whole self to the world not just the parts you think they want to know about. Not just the parts you think you want to know about.

I wonder how many mothers in this room ever show up authentically...I doubt it's many.

How many people, in general would even recognize The Authentic much less appreciate it should it be right in front of them...