Monday, January 27, 2014


I waited for that moment, the one where certain happiness arrives and you are home.  I waited and waited. And when it finally came, I was disappointed. Once again, my vivid imagination had set the bar too high and disappointment and defeat became as evident as the sun rising in the East on a clear day.

Holding out hope, I clung to the last bit of truth I knew; That the journey wasn’t over.  What was it that I was living for? With my latest disappointment strapped to my shoulder, I swung the bag over so it was secure and started down what I thought at the time was a different road. Securing my sack of sacred wounds.

But lessons unlearned don’t disappear.  And like the days morphing into nights and the nights brightening into days, this one popped up again. To my deluded surprise. My complete misunderstanding and unawareness of the present moment brought on the same set of problems I’d faced, disguised as new ones.

With bold and brave intentions, I hiked to the dead center of it.  Finding myself amidst the harsh reality of tests only some power of the universe creates. 

Or had I created it? It was definitely a possibility. But not at the time.

At the time I thought I’d run past my luck, that I’d been handed low cards. But my life wasn’t about luck or chance. 

Fighting, fighting myself and the will to go on. Fighting the doubts that kept creeping into my immature mind. I’d do better next time, I told myself.  But I wasn’t at next time. And next time wasn’t here.

I cursed the universe for giving me the wrong cards.

But the universe, god, weren’t to blame.

It was I. I held all of the power in one small hand.  I had chosen this for myself.  I had chosen to live.  Had I known what living would mean for me at that exact moment in time I would have given it second thoughts.

To be continued…