Thursday, July 17, 2014

I'm Challenging You...

I'd like to challenge you on something.

We all have our opinions on issues. Many of us are even very outspoken.  We all have gained knowledge and insight from our parents, the people who raised us, our teachers, and our experiences.

But what if everything you thought you knew wasn't necessarily wrong but maybe it wasn't the only know?

What if how you do or say something isn't the only way to do or say it?

What if your experiences are vastly different from someone else's experiences?

And best of all, what if you could learn from someone who had experiences you couldn't even imagine in your dreams or worst nightmares?

It might not be comfortable, at least not at first. You might actually have to listen to someone. You might actually have to be willing to be wrong for once in your life. You might actually have to let your guard down and release the white-knuckle grip you have on it...

It might not be easy. Not at first. 

I've lived my whole life not doing things the way that others think I should. I've lived my whole life being judged and personally attacked for not doing things the way that others think I should.

Do I do this on purpose? Am I just a rebel without a cause?  

You might think that but the truth about me is that I've always been different. I was born different.  I've had experiences that many people are lucky enough not to have had. I've been through things a lot of you can only recognize as your worst nightmares.

I'm also a minority of the population by genetics. 

Believe me, I get it. I understand what it's like to be human. I understand what it's like to not only be human but to be opinionated and outspoken. There is nothing wrong with stating your opinion. There is nothing wrong with being loud about who you are and what you believe. I actually admire that both in myself and in others.

But sometimes, I notice, the same issues go around and around and we keep having the same conversations. The people may change, the voices may change, but there are certain issues that I've noticed where the dialogue continuously and consistently stays the same.

I just have to wonder about these conversations because if you asked those involved they would tell you they are working for change. And that's totally fine and valid and I love that people are working towards change but I have to wonder how they expect change out of spouting the same rehearsed lines over and over again.

What do you normally do if you want to lose weight? Do you continue eating McDonald's day after day and sitting on the couch? You could try it. But I'm willing to bet that you won't get the desired results.  No, to get your desired results, you cut calories, start eating more fruits and veggies, start walking for 30 minutes per day...And once you've formed these habits for a while, you will see results in losing weight.

I believe it's the same with conversations, with controversial or political issues. The way that you change something is by being creative. It's by doing what you haven't already tried. And you persevere. You keep trying and trying new and different things until one day, you've found the words that no longer separate humans into sides but acknowledge and validate each other as one of the same in this race we call human.