One thing that has been on my mind is the evolution debate. I don't even understand why this is a debate. I'm going to try to debunk the myth if you'll allow me write the truth for you.
First of all, there is no "believing in" evolution. It's not really something to believe in. I guess you could have faith in it but let me try to start from the beginning for you.
Evolution simply means: the ability to adapt to changing environments.
I don't see how this is arguable since we have more than a lot of evidence or maybe I should say history that this has happened over the years. Let's take the "biology" or "science" part out of it for a minute. Maybe that will make it easier to understand.
I like to think of evolution in technological terms. I think in this day and age with smartphones and computers, and the internet, it makes something like evolution a bit easier to understand.
For example, a very long time ago when humans first began creating civilizations, there weren't very many of them in large spaces and so their communities and the area of their towns were so small that it was easy to walk the length of them. As the population began to grow (with more people being born), the space between the lengths of the town would grow too (more houses, shops, buildings, roads etc.) so people thought to themselves, "I wonder how I could make this easier and not have to walk so far each day."
They got creative and began riding horses. Soon, the distances were even larger, there were more people and more buildings and roads and someone thought, "Wouldn't it be swell if we could roll on wheels while the horse pulled us?" And so the horse and carriage was born.
The horse and carriage proved to be bumpy and riding behind a horse wasn't the most ideal thing in the world, so someone thought, "What if we could power some wheels without the use of a horse?"
And so the very first automobile was invented using the knowledge from other moving vehicles like trains, humans began to realize their power to adapt to their changing environments. They began to use the human power of creativity to make their lives easier.
This is evolution. This is adapting to changing environments. We are still doing it.
Take phones. First there were radios, which were nice but could only reach certain distances, then there were phones with wires and lines but you had to stay within a 10 foot radius (phone cords). Then the car phone. But only in your car or at home or at the office.
Then mobile phones. And then with the internet came not only mobile phones but a whole mobile computer right in your purse or pocket.
All evolution. All adapting to changing environments. All growing and changing and stretching of the human mind to better the lives of humans. All evolution.
I hope this gives you "non-believers" in evolution something to think about the next time you disagree so harshly with it. Like I said before it's not really something you believe in. Saying that, I do believe in the power of the human mind. I do believe in the power of creativity and I do have faith that we're all capable of growing and changing ourselves for the better.
But it is a choice. So believing evolution is a lie or a myth is ultimately a choice but it's also going against reality if you look not only at science but at history as well.