Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Power of Choice

I always tell my boys that they always have choices in life.  I simplified it for a five and seven year old and I tell them there is always the loving choice or the harmful choice.

It was one of those parenting experiments that I came up with in the middle of an issue, where I was thinking on my feet. What I've come to realize is that I had actually hit on a profound truth for life. For anyone's life!

We always have a choice. That is our power as humans. That power of choice is so great, probably more so than most people realize.  In telling my boys this, I've not only diminished my battles as a parent, but I've also given them the ultimate personal power.

They are learning that their choices determine the outcomes of everything.  They make good, loving choices and the outcome matches that.  They make bad, harmful choices, and there are consequences.  

I am always reminding my children of their choices and when I do, I remind myself that I always have a choice.  I have gotten ridiculed sometimes for making things in life "too simple" but let me tell you, just being a mom is difficult enough. Why should I make it any harder for myself?

That is my choice. :-)

~ s.h.