Sunday, February 23, 2014

Inside Depression/Anxiety/Internal Struggles

You have to climb your way out of the darkness and it's not pretty, full of mud and gunk and other nastiness. And you climb only to slip and fall and land back at the bottom of the hole.

There at the bottom, you curse the darkness for now you have to start climbing your way out all over again.

And reaching the top, you are not safe. The top is slippery. One false move and you're back on your ass at the bottom of that damn hole!

Falling and climbing back up the hole is not for the weak.  It takes everything you have and sometimes more to pull yourself up through the slippery mud and nastiness to reach the top.

But the sunlight feels so good and you once again make the ascent, even if only for a glimpse of the light at the top before you slip back down into murkiness and despair.

The darkness threatens to swallow you as you are now accustomed to falling into this pit of despair.  But one last tiny thought reminds you of who you truly are and you see a spark within yourself and it's just enough to get you up and out one last time.

And for a moment you remember that the hole, the darkness, the blackness doesn't define you. You are not darkness. You are light.